Helping to preserve, enrich, and enhance the natural resources of Fishers Island and its surrounding waters

John Thatcher Native Garden

The Demonstration Garden has been renamed the John Thatcher Native Garden in memory of John Thatcher, an early champion and co-founder of FIConservancy. Located just west of the Movie Theater, it is part of FIConservancy’s long-term grassland restoration project on land owned by Southold and managed by the FIFerry District, including the Parade Grounds, Elizabeth Airport, Race Point and South Beach. The garden was designed and planted specifically to encourage the use of native plants by “demonstrating” how native plants would look in a formal garden setting. Mere Doyen Photo

Enjoy a new virtual tour of the John Thatcher Native Garden by clicking the button below and immerse yourself in the beauty of our Fishers Island Native Garden

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If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to get in touch with us. We value your input and look forward to hearing from you!

Tom Sargent

Ben Strong

Nature Days